
How To Install Star Wars Republic Commando

You're probably not as excited about this game as y'all should be. Now I'g a practicing Episode II apologist (despite generally not straying as far as The Phantom Menace) so I'm about to attempt to scrub abroad the encrusted Jar-Jar cynicism from your preconceptions and bear witness you that this is looking like the most streamlined team shooter we've seen in many a year.

Reason for apathy 1 in your hearts and minds could exist that this is a prequel game, starting up in the Clone Wars a few hours after Yoda "around the survivors, a perimeter created" and ending up on Kashyyyk in a battle that sets upward many of the events of Episode 3. I'one thousand not fifty-fifty going to try to bridge whatsoever divide between you and the bearded ane, but allow me just say Republic Commando isn't going to subsist on licence solitary. (Though saying that, there's still a lot for fanboys to salivate over, including a plethora of thermal detonators, giant Wookiees, Geonosians, the bodyguards of Episode III baddie Full general Grievous and a chapter assault a proto-Star Destroyer.)

Away from all the Skywalker stuff though. Republic Commando is looking like a highly competent military squad shooter on its own claim, albeit one very much in an arcade Freedom Fighters mould. Alongside a basic control arrangement that either has your squad pushing forward or following politely behind yous, a groovy one-touch system can set your guys to plant explosives, accept upwardly a sniping position or carry out a tactical door-breach with the help of a few concussion grenades. Obviously this isn't far different from the "loftier-level squadtactics" blurb that accompanies clag like the Conflict games,' but hither it honestly appears to work.

This is aided and abetted by some impressive Al on the part of your squad, who do peachy things similar ducking when they run past your line of fire, using health terminals without being prompted, running away from imminent explosions and swapping casual banter on what you're doing aqd who you lot're killing.

The thought is to create the illusion of a being part of a scissure unit, giving your team a high plenty degree of consciousness to expect subsequently themselves in a firefight (always finding comprehend and rarely needing advice on running away when a droid army is pummelling them), while withal giving you enough command to prepare them up in decent positions or allow some realistic teamplay. Even when y'all've been blasted into a motionless pile of plastic armour you'll be relying on them to revive you - afterward they've slain all the badness in the vicinity that is, unless yous've ordered them otherwise.

And Whose Army?

The official names of your squaddies are Clone numbers 62,07 and xl, but they're improve known as Scorch, Sev and Fixer - each with their own (conveniently) developed personalities that defy their dour kiwi origins. Scorch blows stuff up and cracks jokes, Fixer hacks machines and plays the straight human being and Sev's a ruthless psycho who's a cleft-shot with a sniper rifle. All of you have been freshly cultivated from the loins of Jango Fett, and your own development from floating tank-infant-through to the donning of your helmet is impressively covered in first-person flashbacks at the opening of the game. The action and so moves on to a scene reminiscent of the outset of Half-Life: Opposing Forcefulness, with your dropship flight over Geonosis, centrolineal craft dropping like flies around you, somewhen dumping you in the wreckage of the Episode Ii arena.

Moving on from here there are many and varied Geonosian spires to infiltrate and state of war rooms to fill with blaster-holes, all the while marvelling (every bit you tend to do these days) at the spectacular physics effects that transport droid-parts flight and wounded Geonosians limply fluttering.

Over the game'southward 15 missions and three major environments (Geonosis, the Democracy Assault Transport and Kashyyyk) there's a myriad of neat touches that, once you witness them, marking out Republic Commando as a game with a twinkle in its dilapidated visor. Note, for case, the way that enemies kick thermal detonators back at you when they land at their feet - at which indicate your squad can pick them up and rechuck them should their sci-fi fuses exist long plenty. Note again (and I apologise for referencing a wonderful game that couldn't be less of a PC title if it tried) the articulate nod to Metroid Prime in the helmet visor that can be alternately smashed, steamed up, rained upon or gooped -so wiped clean past an unobtrusive Star Wars laser-wjqdscreen-wiper.

Information technology'due south these niggling touches that show that Commonwealth Commando is distancing itself from the conveyer-belt franchise releases that LucasArts has become synonymous with in recent times. At that place honestly appears to be some senous love going into this game, and not just the blatant dollar-spipning of yore. If you've fallen out your long-running Star Wars romance through the prequels, and so, for this game at least, you should unlearn what you lot have learned. Of henwise you could be missing out.

There's No shortage of squadbased shooters on the market, but to date, about of them accept followed a very strict template. Real-earth military milieus, accurate weapons and tactics, typical earnest/terrorist/siege scenarios. Equally a consequence, they've all started to become indistinguishable, and often rather boring.

Democracy Commando, the first ever squad-based Star Wars shooter, should change all that. It'south a military-fashion thing with a four-human squad and a host of tactical options, but the sci-fi setting gives it an unusual amount of liberty, and the developers accept taken full reward of this.

Crucially, they've reinvented the way you give orders to your team-mates, introducing an elegant one-touch system that, while far from realistic, is both fast and intuitive. Now, instead of wrangling with waypoints and command menus, you employ a single 'utilise' cardinal to perform a squad manoeuvre. But click on a earth object, such equally a door, a wall or a figurer terminal, and you lot'll see a ghostimage of a team mate (or mates) performing a context-sensitive operation. Printing F to confirm, and your squad will do that action, whether information technology's taking up a sniping mail service, hacking a estimator or performing a coordinated door breach.

More full general commands like 'search and destroy' or 'secure area' are handled with the function keys, which, in conjunction with highly democratic squad Al, give you all the tools you need to effectively constabulary the republic. With the additional benefits of Unreal-powered graphics and a raft of uniquely Star Wars scenarios, Republic Commando could be the freshest and most heady squad-based shooter in years.

Meliorate Reload Gordon! Yes. yes, I know. I'm with you Gordon! Yes, well come forth then. Excuse me, do you mind if I just clasp past? Thanks, yes these stairs are rather narrow. Better reload Gordon!" Yeah, yeah, come up along now - have we left anyone behind? Barney? Barney! Barney Calhoun where are you going? What did I say about wandering away from the group? There are combine laser-trip mines all over this level, what would I tell your parents? No Barney! No! Not over there - aggrh! No! No! KABOOM! ARGH! Sorry Gordon. I'll get out of your way.

Squad mechanics are a tricky business, that's for sure. Even the mightiest of heavyweights like One-half-Life 2 (in my miserable opinion at to the lowest degree) came unstuck more a few times in its otherwise stellar endmost capacity. In fact, it's hard to think of a recent shooter of the mindless fun' variety (so not including the SWATs and Flashpoints of this world) that manages to come fifty-fifty close to creating the illusion that your squad are real people, or even invented people who can be given an ounce of trust or responsibility.

Commonwealth Commando however, for its several sins, comes closer than any other mindless' team shooter to creating a believable, cohesive and character-enfused unit for you to order well-nigh. At times it may be a basic jaunt, and a game whose Xbox leanings are more than apparent, but in terms of squad dynamics it pretty much pisses all over its peers in the dumbed-down tactics brigade' - most notably Medal Of Honor: Pacific Assault and the mysteriously pop Conflict serial. What's more than, it's besides a Star Wars game, and a Nu-Star Wars game at that, thereby officially making it the greatest Episode l-lll gaming release e'er - an accomplishment much akin to winning a football match in which the opposing team are all drunk and blind, or are the Milton Keynes Dons.

Fresh Beginning

Republic Commando kicks off a couple of hours after the close of Attack Of The Clones and finishes off with the buildup to Revenge Of The Sith - even giving the true-blue a glimpse of the movie's jedi/ droid principal badman Full general Grievous in the game'southward endmost levels. There are iii campaigns: bug-battering on Geonosis; a serial of missions that encounter you dealing with an unhealthy state of affairs in which some juvenile runaway Trandoshans have plant a Republic Assault Ship with the keys in the ignition; and a prolonged stay on the wookiee homeworid of Kashyyyk, fighting against the combined Separatist forces laughing it up aslope some absolutely goliath fuzzballs.

Your team are of the same Predator/Navy Seals/Aliens heritage that y'all've seen many times before, even if they've been wrapped in Lucas swaddling clothes. You and your squad take all developed personalities that belie your mutual genetic heritage -although the key differences still remain in either how much they bask killing (a piddling or a lot), forth with their favoured means of acceleration for troublemakers, whether through sniping, heavy weapons or general shootage.

Clone Zone

For reasons unknown, you're the only one with Temeura Morrison's gravelly voice. Your boyfriend clones, meanwhile, are known by both series lawmaking and nickname, and information technology before long becomes apparent that 07 (Sev), xl (Logroller) and 62 (Scorch) are pleasant and clever enough to requite the game some momentum, even in its everyman ebbs.

Bones as they are, until you work out the squad dynamics Republic Commando never really comes into its ain; and unfortunately, the training mission based in the Episode II arena is decidedly skimpy in explaining the verbal wheres' and hows' of what's pretty much the game's almost of import feature. General commands for your squad are delivered via the first four role keys and, dissimilar in Pacific Assault, when you social club your clones to get in line, button forrard or secure a certain area you genuinely see your will put into motility.

The intelligence on testify isn't too bad either. For some reason though, my lot could hardly e'er become to grips with the notion that gun turrets aren't necessarily the best things to stand next to. Notwithstanding apart from this, scripted nudges and squad Al are enough to have your men taking cover, healing themselves and moving in germination to a reasonably self-sufficient extent.

Squad tactics don't end at that place though. As you progress through the myriad of alien corridors, vents and hangars of the game, you outset to come up across points that the Gaming-God-on-Loftier has decreed are first-class for sniping, grenading or heavy weapon action. It'south your duty to then assign a man at these sign-posted points and he'll merrily provide cover for you and your other men to scurry around hacking into terminals and putting holes in droids in a more freeform mode.

If all this sounds simple, then that'due south because information technology is. Information technology's stupidly simple, and if you go along on getting mullered, then information technology'due south very often because y'all oasis't institute one of these nearby action spots.

Nice North' Easy Does It

If you're trained in worthier, more tactical, squad games, you may find it all far too basic. All the same, information technology still remains a streamlined system that works, not least because it forces you to put faith in your Al cohorts. It also urges y'all through a predefined tactical path that may non give much scope for improvisation, but does allow for some revaluation and quickthinking when your men get-go crumpling and valuable tactical advantages are lost.

Past the time you're blasting Trandoshan slavers in the hangars of the second chapter, an area may contain ten-xv potential points where you could assign your men. The claiming is to work out the best order to select them in, working your manner through the area and securing the room.

In a like way, y'all and your men can get upwardly to all fashion of trickery - hacking into terminals, setting explosives, breaching doors with grenades, defusing mines and the like. The more than of import the task is, the longer it by and large takes - and then providing cover for a boyfriend clone beavering abroad at a terminal (or indeed listening to the ruckus around you lot and working up a sweat while yous are the same beaver) is a regular issue. In fact, the points at which your squad organisation shines the brightest are when droid dispensers continually pump out enemies while you endeavour to destroy everything that emerges, while a compadre spends ten achingly long seconds attaching an explosive charge to stem the flow.

Enemies themselves are fun to shoot, if limited in variation -perhaps constrained past the need to keep everything in relation to the Separatist forces seen in Episodes 2 and Iii. So there are droids (bog standard, rolling and super) who shatter every bit spectacularly equally they do in the movies, and Geonosians who wing effectually with some superb laser-beam weapons and are suitably squidgy. What'south more, there are Trandoshans (cadger creatures of the same species as Bossk the bounty hunter) who are ridiculously tiresome until they offset actualization with gas-tanks strapped to their backs - at which betoken well-aimed shots can jet them loftier up into the stratosphere and they automatically become the best villains in the whole piece.

Things Autumn Autonomously

Negative stuff now. There just aren't enough different sorts of baddies to keep y'all entertained throughout, and the same goes for the environments that you fight in. The determination to have a mere three locations in the entire game certainly gives a far more campaign' feel to diplomacy, merely this neither makes upwards for the distinct lack of story nor the repeated corridors, situations and environments. With the inclusion of some more fanfriendly. compact missions that weren't so strongly tied to the Lucas prequel masterplan (hunting down a troublesome Krayt Dragon on Tatooine, hunting a criminal gang in the depths of Coruscant, that sort of matter), at that place'southward no doubt that this could have been a far, far more bonny championship.

Equally I've mentioned earlier, the game looks and feels like an Xbox release. If you're showtime to feel hemmed in when taken away from the wide open up vistas of Far Cry or Tribes: Vengeance, you certainly won't get much relief from Republic Commando. Despite having a fair few big rooms and never approaching Doom three proportions, the game is essentially a corridor shooter with shiny knobs on. And while nosotros're having a moan, the power to wait downwardly your gun butt CoD-way is ugly and unnecessary, while the introduction of some truly appalling and constantly re-actualization caput-attaching hover-droids will brand you desire to interruption things. Which isn't cracking when you're sitting next to ane of the almost pricey things you've ever bought.

Industrious Lite And Magic

Republic Commando is guilty of all the crimes I've levelled against it. only there is salvation - and this salvation comes through the detail. It's in the class of smoke, mirrors and shallow licks of fresh paint. What's additional this game from a score in the high 70s and scraped it over the line of the 'Essential' boundary is the (sometimes inspirational) treatment of incidental features and signs of genuine TLC that'due south gone into the game'south product. And yep, (because I know you lot're thinking this). I'yard aware that the demo level isn't overly special - y'all're just going to have to trust me on this one.

Information technology's in things like sniping the armour away from a Super Battle Droid's breast and hammering its hidden weak-spot. Information technology'southward in that same droid maybe having its legs blasted abroad from information technology and lying on the floor, before pushing itself up with its last embers of life and blasting you when you least expect it. And then information technology'south in Sev wandering over to its carcass, kicking information technology and telling the world in general: This one's gone.

Small Things

There are and then many incidental moments like this that, despite a off-white amount of repetition, y'all honestly detect yourself getting reeled in and subsequently carried away. It's hard to explicate, just you lot tin can't help but experience that the express horizons I've mentioned has allowed the developer to look inwards and concentrate on gameplay nuggets that would have been brushed over in most other games. Whether it's Trandoshans kick silently-ticking thermal detonators back towards yous or allies ducking underneath your of burn. Or information technology might be your visor'south in-built laser windscreen wiper removing Geonosian problems goo from your monitor. Alternatively, it might be i of your men grumpily accusing yous of being a sadist for ordering him away from a healing bacta terminal. Whatsoever it is, there's a sure quality lying dormant hither that we haven't seen in a LucasArts product in aeons. The manner that your team conversation betwixt themselves is entirely refreshing as well.

Whether scripted or prompted by on-screen activity, there's e'er a background grumble emanating from your squad. They're either berating you for giving confusing orders and for dying all the time, cracking dry jokes about the enemy and fifty-fifty (unless I'm giving them likewise much credit) ane moment when they gently mock the fragilities of the game itself - one moaning something along the lines of "What? Another hangar? and another responding, Well, I guess the wookiees only like hangars. Obviously, they occasionally chirrup the same glib phrases over and over, but it commits the crime then much less than Pacific Assault and Half-Life two that it's difficult to come down too heavily on it.

Last, but by no means to the lowest degree, is the music. I'm a philistine, I rarely notice anything apart from loud Painkiller rock - merely dear sweet Jesus the music in Republic Commando is wonderful, and easily the best in whatever game that I've played in contempo years. Choirs dirge, orchestras orchestrate and familiar Star Wars licks pound your ears into virtually delirium - it actually is quite fantastic.

Concluding Words

Republic Commando isn't rocket science: almost in the same manner that opinion was dissever downwardly the middle over Assail Of The Clones, this is designed for gamers who live in the box marked let'south shoot stuff' rather than permit's sit down and think almost this'. Information technology isn't an out-and-out success either, but there is an underlying charm and sparkle that simply cannot be denied. Later so many dismal years, there'due south bear witness that somewhere deep downwards in the LucasArts caverns, there's all of a sudden a flicker of hope for the future. A new hope, if y'all will. Or at least an almost-new, second-paw 1 that still looks slightly optimistic. Fifty-fifty if it is a scrap grubby and has been in the wars a little. And a piffling bit of hope is far better than none at all.

In an effort to prevent the devastation of the Commonwealth, the Clone Army was created to boxing the Separatists. Among these millions of troops, select few were made ameliorate, stronger, smarter, and faster than their other brethren. In Democracy Commando, you play i of these clones, one of these commandos, brave and steadfast, willing to undertake difficult and often nigh-suicidal missions to protect the Republic and guarantee it'due south wedlock. The newest Star Wars title is an FPS that takes you deep into the heart of the war, contesting beyond the plains of Geonosis, onboard a massive Republic transport, and and then finally to the Wookie homeworld, Kashyyyk.

Using various types of traditional Star Wars style blaster weapons, you lot won't discover much in the way of practiced, visceral weaponry in this championship, just I'm of the listen that y'all won't miss it. Strongest among its features are the squad commands, allowing you to use a series of AI stances to control your team finer. You tin can set them to search and destroy, capture an area, or simply back y'all upwards. Forth the way, these commands go supplemented past a wealth of context sensitive actions that let you accident your manner through a door, slice a command console to lower a force field, or prepare your team to sniping, to provide cover. Most importantly, the commandos themselves are all powerful, deadly characters, and their AI tin live upwards to that reputation, giving yous enough dorsum that you won't intendance that yous're just a four human being squad.

Graphically, Democracy Commando is one of the better Star Wars titles I've played recently. Looking at the Commandos, they're all highly detailed and bluntly, they look like donkey kickers. The game is replete with scripted events that just reinforce how cool the Star Wars universe tin be, my favorite of which is watching a Wookie rip apart several droids. Aurally, you've got a neat deal of scripted battle chatter, including Temura Morrison, the voice of Jango Fett from Episode 2, as your own character, the leader of the squad.

On the negative side, Commonwealth Commando is extremely short, and extremely savage. Exist prepared to follow i path to victory, as the game throws you lot into fight later on fight that requires luck and an extremely precise mode of gameplay, as you regularly fight opponents that could be considered bosses in other games. As well, in terms of time, expect a adept six to eight hours to play through the entire game on normal, definitely not what I'd call a unmarried player game of satisfying length. Even so, this is definitely one of the all-time Star Wars experiences you tin can get correct now.


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